Divorced, Widowed, and Separated

In the 1800’s people flocked to Long Branch during the summer to take advantage of the curative powers of the salt air and water. President Garfield was brought here to heal from his bullet wound. It didn’t work for the President.

Emotional healing is difficult. The causes of are pain are not so easily identified as a bullet wound. We need deal with deeper wounds: wounds that separate us, wounds that cause an emptiness, wounds that cause loneliness and anxiety. These take more than salt air and salt water to cure them.

God offers us healing energy, but we have to accept it. We have to let it come into us and to heal us. We have just to ask for it and accept it. Healing can change our energy. It can change the dynamics.

There can be blocks to our ability to heal.  Making amends for our actions can begin a great chain of events in us.  It enables us to release negative feelings and energy and open us for positive feelings and energy.  It opens us to taking God into us.  And so the healing will begin.

The Divorced, Widowed, and Separated group meets on the second and fourth Thursdays of the month at St. Michael’s Living Room at 7pm. For more information please call 732-483-0360 ext 16.





As Bishop of the Diocese of Trenton, I encourage all our Catholic clergy, religious and lay faithful to sign a petition to protect congressional legislative provisions in support of life: Click Here. Please access the New Jersey Catholic Conference website and also read the Action Alerts posted on the NJCC website: https://njcatholic.org.

Please consider writing letters in strong support of pro-life protections to our New Jersey senators and congressmen and congresswomen. Thank you and may God bless and protect you all, born and unborn.


Healing After Abortion: 

Do you know someone who is carrying the grief of a past abortion?  There is always hope.  The pain and sorrow of abortion does not need to endure for a lifetime. A “Day of Prayer and  Healing” offers the opportunity to experience the love and mercy of God and to respond to His invitation to begin the journey of healing the wound of abortion. For upcoming dates, locations, and confidential registration, or just to talk to a Sister, please call the Sisters of Life at (866)-575-0075 (toll free) orThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..



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Know someone needing assistance with food, housing, drug addiction, mental health, domestic violence or immigration? Contact Catholic Charities, Diocese of Trenton.


Instruction Regarding the Burial of the Deceased
and the Conservation of the Ashes in the Case of Cremation

("Ad Resurgendum cum Christo"...."To Rise with Christ") 

Helpful and instructive information on the proper care for and treatment of cremated remains consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church has been provided in an informative and reliable document issued by the Holy See's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and approved by Pope Francis in 2016.  This Instruction document ("Ad Resurgendum cum Christo"...."To Rise with Christ") is recommended reading for all the Catholic faithful and for funeral directors who assist their clients with Catholic funerals.  The Instruction's information and guidance are recommended to be part of the planning for funeral arrangements and cemetery arrangements.  

Please pray for the souls of all the faithful departed.  May they rest in peace.   


For Information About the Parish's and Parishioners' Efforts to Provide Aid to our Brothers and Sisters in Ukraine 


 U.S. Bishops' Statement on Moral Concerns with
Using the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 Vaccine

The U.S. Conference of Catholice Bishops (USCCB) issued a Statement on Tuesday, March 2, 2021 regarding moral concerns with using the Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccine. The Statement may be accessed by clicking below. The Statement says in part, "if one has the ability to choose a vaccine, Pfizer or Moderna’s vaccines should be chosen over Johnson & Johnson’s." The moral concern arises because the Johnson & Johnson vaccine was developed and tested and is produced with abortion-derived cell lines. The USCCB Statement also quotes the judgment of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith at the Vatican that "when ethically irreproachable Covid-19 vaccines are not available... it is morally acceptable to receive Covid19 vaccines that have used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process."